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Life is all around you at this very moment. Take a pause and notice that love is perfect even in your imperfection. You have come a long way if you remember back, you're now living some of the things you dreamt of.

Of course, you are not there yet, you have not arrived at your desired destination, you are driven and have goals for your life. Yet, here you are today, on this plateau called now. How can this moment be any other than a moment to celebrate you're becoming?

Love from god and from the deep wellspring within you, and from others who truly love you, is not based on how much closer you are today to arriving than you were yesterday.

You will continue to achieve and you will grow broader and higher until you see even this moment looking back on it, as a place that you grew from, yet, for now, celebrate this space you have arrived in today.

The trees of the fields clap their hands, the birds sing you a song, the spring awaiting its first blooms ready to celebrate life with you. The stars shine on your night and the sun lights the way on your day. You can feast on the goodness that is yours all around you, just take a look, right now, you will see so much goodness.

With Love,

Tony Gilotte

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