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Human Touch


This week has been a week of a lot of coaching and webinars and a lot of being with people in times of challenge, transition, and sometimes, transformation. When I get some space to think as I have right now, I am aware of how powerful it is to be able to support and help a fellow human being.

We are all on this journey together, and we experience a lot of the same fears, struggles, breakthroughs, and joys. The common aspects of the nature of being human are far more significant than any external differences.

I've noticed that It doesn't matter what a persons distinguishing factors are, we all have in common, a need for support, encouragement, being heard, felt, validated, and valued, and likewise, we also have a need to offer this to others in some way.

This organic dynamic of human nature can get lost in all of our isolation and insulation from others. We are afraid of hurt and vulnerability and often for good reason, we have likely been hurt by being trusting and open, and therefore, for self-preservation, we close off.

This feels like it's ok, at least I won't be hurt anymore, but the deeper truth that becomes a reality is that we have closed off from love and this we can't live without. We are made for the human touch, this is just our nature.

I want to advocate for both sides of this conversation if you will allow me. As a person who spends time in transformational spaces with people on a daily basis, I can attest to the power of opening up to love, support, to new possibilities for yourself and for your life.

I literally see people come back to life, to themselves as they begin to experience a safe space to work through internal dynamics and aspects that are holding them down or keeping them from the best version of themselves. This is a very rewarding experience and one that I feel called to offer the world.

On the other side, there is the fulfillment from offering a human touch, from deciding that, with whatever time you and I have left in this world and with whatever resources we have to offer, we are going to use our time and resources to help others and to make the world a better place.

Of course, this sounds idealistic because it is, but it also happens to be true. Once we can work our way through the fields of self-doubt, and the mountains of cynicism we will find ourselves at the shoreline of possibilities, both for ourselves and for others and for the world as a whole.

Hope, faith, love, these simple aspects of life, turn out to be the most important, even with all of our advancements and technologies, this remains the truth. The human touch is what we need more than anything else and what we need to give more than anything else.

With Warmth,

Tony Gilotte

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