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Let Go for Peace


If we live long enough, we get hurt. If we get hurt, we hold a grievance, if we hold a grievance we get out of love, our nature is love so we get out of our nature. When we get out of love and our nature we get isolated, when we get isolated we lose our peace, when we lose our peace we forget who we are, when we forget who we are we live in the dark, when we live in the dark we stumble and are lost, when we stumble and are lost, we hurt ourselves, when we are hurt, we hurt others, when we hurt others we send them into the same spiral we are in, and then it perpetuates in us and others and spreads.

The only way back is to let go. I must at some point, regardless of others behaviors or actions, let go and forgive. Not accept an apology or settle a dispute, this may or may not occur. No, we can only restore ourselves and heal ourselves if we will let go and forgive. Forgive someone, myself, others, life, God, whomever I am holding a grievance toward, my only way free is to let it go and forgive. They may or may not apologize or change. They may not even be here to do so, your letting go could provide a path to reconciliation but that is only a possibile bi product. The main reason is because of love, I am made from love for love and love does not hold grievance's.

For peace,


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