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My Spirit


When I get past what I am thinking about, past what my emotions are feeling, what my body is experiencing, I seem to take flight in a different part of me. I feel free here and very much unafraid.

This inner sanctuary that is beneath all the clutter of the surface of my life is always here for me. An oasis in an otherwise, weary land. Once here, I am renewed and feel at peace. I sense my life connected to a larger context.

For me, this is a necessity to my survival as the person that I must be. A person of hope, inspiration, depth, and wholeness. I cannot find these things without connecting to the wellspring of life, that, at least for me, I find deep within.

Being by the water helps me find this place. So does quiet contemplation, reading of poetry, or something inspiring. Sometimes I am caught by surprise by a cloud formation, a sunset, or a mysterious night sky and I am sensing this calling to connect to my deeper self, my spirit.

I can't imagine my life without this experience of a deeper life. It sustains me through difficulty and gives me a deep joy for life. I want to experience everything to its fullest. I will not be the most jovial person in the room, but I will often be the most present, in-the-moment person in the room.

If you see me walking along the water, or sitting reading or writing something, or starring off into a sky or landscape, all is well, no need to worry, I am in my element, connecting to my spirit.


Tony Gilotte

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