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The Power Within


“As a person thinks within the heart, so is he…’’

To think in one’s heart, this is an interesting phrase. Heart intelligence is different then pure mental intellect. Our heart intelligence is connected to our feelings about ourselves and our lives. To our intuition and to our dreams for our lives.

The idea that how we experience ourselves in these areas truly determine who we are and then by extension who we become; this is a powerful life changing truth.

The reason that this is so powerful is that all of this happens within us and we have the capacity to influence it directly. The idea of this means that we can really change our own lives.

How is it with you today, within? Not externally, our outer circumstances today, are the result of the inner realities in months and years past. But today, how is it within?

Can you find joy, peace, love, awe, for yourself and your life within, right now? Your heart intelligence can connect to these feelings and states instantly if you will allow it.

It does take a change in focus, from without, to within, and a change in perspective, from reacting to what happens to you, to proactively deciding how you will be.

My ask today as I write this, of myself, and to you as a reader; do I want to take control of my inner life and by extension my future outer life? If the answer is yes, then I must take time to connect to, understand and inhabit the space within.

Tony Gilotte

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