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What Feels Good


Feeling good is the closest thing to feeling god. We have been made to feel that feeling good is somehow selfish or wrong and so we deny ourselves the goodness that comes from feeling good.

Yet to feel good is to be in enjoyment, to experience life more fully, to live moments, and to be happier. If something feels good, and there is no harm to others or to self, then the more of it the better.

So how do we do more of what feels good? Start by asking yourself, what do you enjoy, what small pleasures can you offer yourself today? For example, a nice warm shower, stay in a few minutes longer, taking a walk, linger and enjoy the cool fall breeze on your face, take time to feel the soothing warmth of a cup of tea while reading a comforting book.

Try one or two days of doing things that you enjoy when you have moments to do so, see what difference it makes. Take some time after and gauge how it is with you.

If what makes you feel good, also happens to bless others, then you have a double blessing. Spread the good around, as you feel good, you are more likely to make others feel good too.

Can you imagine if we all spent more time feeling good and helping others to do the same? A revival of good could be a good thing!

For the greater good!


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